Dr. Benedetto is a licensed clinical psychologist who has conducted forensic evaluations of suspected child abuse and trauma-focused therapy since 2001 at the Assessment & Resource Center, now known as the Metropolitan CAC. In December of 2012, she became its Program Director, succeeding her friend and colleague in practice, Allison Foster. Throughout her career, Dr. Benedetto has also maintained a private practice conducting interventions for divorced or divorcing parents, including custody and parental fitness evaluations and parental alienation interventions. Although most of her work involves high-conflict situations, Dr. Benedetto is a trained proponent of Collaborative Divorce as an alternative to the traditional adversarial model. Dr. Benedetto provides expert case consultations and testimony, having been so qualified in South Carolina and Ohio and in US courts-martial for the Army. She trains professional audiences statewide and nationally. Finally, Dr. Benedetto works with severely alienated children and their left-behind parents when the court orders reunification.